My "plan of attack" for the next school year is to incorporate what I am still learning about Web2.0 into my classroom. As we were shown in our journey through "23Things" our kids are born into a world of technological usage, and socialization. It is up to us (the old schoolers - born into penicl mechanization- lol) to make the changes that are needed to reach our pupils, even if it means WE need to self teach ourselves to use modern technologies. Thanks to "23 Thigns" I have learned some new computer/internet abilitiles. Thank-you Mr. Dornberg!
Let's answer some questions from our class:
1) How will you use what you've learned personally, professionally, and pedagogically??
Personally, it has been a small challenge in starting something I have been slightly frightened to do...learn to use the computer and the internet! Teacher's are life-long learners, and I feel it is my job to keep myself up-to-date in content as well as keeping up with current/modern technologies. I am looking forward to using the photo web-sites to enhance our photos, and to keep blogging - if only for myself.
Professionally, I look forward to creating lessons and activities that include using technology to help promote self-motivation in learning, interactive lessons on the web, blogs for my students to be invovled in, web-site to keep parents and students aware of what is going on in our classroom.
Pedagogically, I plan on enhancing my teaching style by incorporating Web2.0 lessons, to use the web as a study tool, and create collaborative on-line activites for my students.
2)How will you share what you've learned with the other teachers in your district? I hope that when I share what I have learned in our class, that my fellow colleagues are eager to check out what we have done. To share what we have done in this class would be to show them what I HAVE DONE, and tell them it is a lot easier than you think to use all of the tools that I have learned!
3) What do you still want to learn about teaching and learning in the 21st century and Web 2.0, and how will you acquire that knowledge? I have enjoyed learning the many "things". I want to continue as a 21st Century and Web 2.0 use. I hope that we can continue our blogs and keep each other up-to-date about someting new we have found and share with each other. Keep on keepin'on...searching the web for new tools, and keep in touch with the "moodle man"!!!
It's important for you to continue to "play" with the various technologies and websites. You don't have to be in a hurry to do everything you've learned with your students. Take your time. Share with them what you've learned, and model for them what it means to be a lifelong learner.