Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thing 19

Podcasts - this is an interesting concept. I wasn't sure I would enjoy trying this "thing" out. I am more of a visual, hands-on person. I listened to a few of the podcasts, some were way too long and lost my interest in it quickly.

I found one called science in 60 seconds--perfect for me, they offer quite interesting facts or issues in less than a minute. I added this to my iTunes.

I love to listen to Nancy Grace from CNN. I added her to my iTunes

In the classroom for those that are audio learners, this would be a great idea to help supplement their learning. I could also plan to use some of the podcast as part of an on-line activity to search for certain speaker and their momentous speeches, a type of treasure hunt, listen to others on the issues we are talking about in class. Also, the "vidcasts" could be used for further visual aids. Kids today are all about electronic devices and I'm sure they would gladly be willing to be educated while using their ipods, mp3 players, etc.

Update - I have learned through this course many new "things" and the longer I am in this course, I am learning how valuable they really are!!! Podcasts would be great to produce a cast that reiterates a lesson and students could use it as an extra study help at home while "studying".


  1. I think if teachers at least show their students the content that is available, if it's something they like, students just might download it to their iPod/mp3 player. We can at least show them that there is educational content for their media device other than music.

  2. You are right of course! As we all (most teachers) look out from our desks we see our students with many electronic devices. Most of them I do NOT know how to use. We might as well jump on the boat or get left behind...since this is the era of technology we need to offer an avenue that more students are more likely to utilize.
