Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thing 21

Videos are a great tool to use in the classroom when I can find the time to fit them in. I use them as an extension to the topic being discussed. I have used our school library for videos to show in class and they are "limited" in physics vidoes. My kids loved watching Julius Sumner Miller, he is an eccentric and brilliant physics teacher who demonstrates many of the lessons we talk about.

I had never used YouTube videos, but since 23 Things, I have found many avenues in finding cool stuff! You tube is blocked in our school so zamzar, vixy and the others is great to know about. Viedos are are a great tool to use as an extension of a lesson however, some teachers may rely heavily on videos alone. And unfortunately, as most of us have heard some misuse videos, or may use "not so educational" videos in the classroom.

Video #1 - Michael Jackson's Billie Jean - I loved MJ's music from the "old days". He is historic for his glide and slide, the moonwalk, dancing was never so much fun as it was back in the 80's. Whew, I miss the 80's - the music, the hair and the laid back way of life.

Video #2 - Earthworm Dissection - What every biology student has to look forward to.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thing 23

My "plan of attack" for the next school year is to incorporate what I am still learning about Web2.0 into my classroom. As we were shown in our journey through "23Things" our kids are born into a world of technological usage, and socialization. It is up to us (the old schoolers - born into penicl mechanization- lol) to make the changes that are needed to reach our pupils, even if it means WE need to self teach ourselves to use modern technologies. Thanks to "23 Thigns" I have learned some new computer/internet abilitiles. Thank-you Mr. Dornberg!

Let's answer some questions from our class:
1) How will you use what you've learned personally, professionally, and pedagogically??
Personally, it has been a small challenge in starting something I have been slightly frightened to do...learn to use the computer and the internet! Teacher's are life-long learners, and I feel it is my job to keep myself up-to-date in content as well as keeping up with current/modern technologies. I am looking forward to using the photo web-sites to enhance our photos, and to keep blogging - if only for myself.
Professionally, I look forward to creating lessons and activities that include using technology to help promote self-motivation in learning, interactive lessons on the web, blogs for my students to be invovled in, web-site to keep parents and students aware of what is going on in our classroom.
Pedagogically, I plan on enhancing my teaching style by incorporating Web2.0 lessons, to use the web as a study tool, and create collaborative on-line activites for my students.

2)How will you share what you've learned with the other teachers in your district? I hope that when I share what I have learned in our class, that my fellow colleagues are eager to check out what we have done. To share what we have done in this class would be to show them what I HAVE DONE, and tell them it is a lot easier than you think to use all of the tools that I have learned!

3) What do you still want to learn about teaching and learning in the 21st century and Web 2.0, and how will you acquire that knowledge? I have enjoyed learning the many "things". I want to continue as a 21st Century and Web 2.0 use. I hope that we can continue our blogs and keep each other up-to-date about someting new we have found and share with each other. Keep on keepin'on...searching the web for new tools, and keep in touch with the "moodle man"!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thing 22

How is it that I have NOT heard of LearnPort??? As well as most of the other sites our "Moodle Prince" has set up for us? This class has been a HUGE eye opener! I am glad this was offered and will speak highly of this to my colleagues about it. It has helped me immensley, I was bascially inept at using the internet and what it can offer us. Now, Jim has taken us to places I did not know was there. I don't feel inept, I think I am at the novice level and hope to keep increasing my abilities using what is available to us.

AND, I did not know I could work on PD hours online...and that I could earn SB-CEU's!! Amazing! PD hours online...I like it! You can work at your own pace and earn the hours you need or want!

I have already registered for - Biology Resource Series: DNA, DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation V1.1 and Chemistry Resource Series: Acids and Bases, Acid/Base Equilibrium V1.1!! I am excited and will definitely use this way cool tool! Thanks moodle-man.

Thing 20

Q & A on Podcasting...
#1- Do you think your students would enjoy listening to podcasts? I think students would like to listen to podcasts if they were short and to the point of discussion. Our kids are growing up in a very technological world and any other avenue or chance to use their iPods, computers and such would be beneficial, even if it is for an eductional purpose -- hehe.

#2- Do you think your students would enjoy CREATING podcasts?
A Definitive yes! At the high school age kids love to hear themselves talk, right? Agian, they get to use technology, not the ancient tool we scribe with---the PENCIL! They may be embarrassed at first, but once they get the hang of and know they can easily change any corrections, I think they would love this kind of activity for most subjects, especially science and english. Part of learning is listening, they could use podcasts to read off their vocabulary, short stories, any content and listen to over and again for better understanding.

#3- What podcasts have you discovered that are of benefit to you personally or professionally?
Podcats are a challenge for me. Personally, if it is not music, then I lose interest quickly, unless it is short and to the point of interest. I listen to Nancy Grace (off the iTunes)-she is quick and to the "nasty" point of her topics! Professionally, I have been looking for and listening to things related to science of course, and our preacher has podcasts out, but again...I like to look at stuff, see what it is I am learning...

I'm angry today!

Actually, I am MORE than angry! I can not believe that the Scottish government has released the Pan-Am 103 bomber! I am outraged! They said they were doing a humanitarian act, because he is dying (of prostate cancer)....How's that? Come again? What about the INHUMANE act the bomber accomplished when he killed all those people??? I smell a suspicious foul play...

I wonder if the families and friends of those lost in that plane are thinking, "Why couldn't that man have thought the same thing as he placed the bombs on flight 103?"

My dear friend Kenneth Gibson (Army) was on that plane, coming home for a holiday vacation from his station in Germany, his seat was bumped...I am angry for him. I am angry at the inhumane act the Scotts have put these families through again.

Love you big guy!

My Podcast

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thing 11

Slideshare - Thing 11 - This is a really cool tool to use!!! This can be used to upload labs, activities, and ppt's to help students see and better understand their lessons. They can upload their own ppt's and I could vview their work via blogging! Oh, the possibilities are endless with this. Yahoo.

Thing 3

Blogging!! I have tried blogging before, it just seems sooo time consuming to keep up with. I guess I let the novelty of blogging wear off - or is it laziness? I am not worried about sharing thoughts publically...we have the freedom of speech, right? I do wonder what people look for in a blog and will they find ANYTHING I have to say worth their while. I sometimes find it hard to sit and read a blog that I may have searched for and it is NOT what I was intending to find. What I am interested in is - learning new ways to keep myself motivated in using the blog daily, weekly and to be able to use it in the classroom...I look forward to learning about these 23NEW Things.