Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Well, only one of my possibilities made it tonight....the puerto rican George made it. I'm not sure I agree that the blind guy should be in the top three tonight...even when he sang again tonight...he popped and cracked...still not his fan. I'm sad the country girl and the other blonde did not make it and happy to see that the crazy, unstable "head-band" guy did not make it...The wild card picks were chosen by the that fair?


  1. I can't believe they picked Tatiana! WHAT!? I agree with you about ...??...the blind guy even though he sang a little better last night he still doesn't have it. Glad to see the weird little goober is gone too.

  2. TATIANA....what an unstable, crazy, and irritating female. I was embarassed for her even if she has no idea that she appears to be flighty, and crazy on screen! Well, onto tonight and the big sing off!!! I'll ttyl on IDOL gossip :)

  3. Well that was an interesting twist at the end of Idol tonight! AND, I am sooo glad Tatiana did not make it! What a drama queen!!
